Single‐Photon QKD using Engineered Solid‐State Quantum‐Light Sources
16:50 - 17:10
Timm Kupko, Lucas Rickert, Martin V. Helversen, Alexander Schlehahn, Sven Rodt, Christian Schneider, Sven Höfling, Markus Rau, Harald Weinfurter, Stephan Reitzenstein and Tobias Heindel Engineered solid-state-based non-classical light sources show prospects to push the performance of implementations of quantum information to a new level. In this contribution, we will present proof-of-concept quantum key distribution (QKD) experiments using electrically-pumped quantum-dot single-photon sources (SPSs). In addition, we present stand-alone fiber-coupled SPSs and discuss our recent progress in their development. We show how to optimize the performance of single-photon QKD and demonstrate real-time security monitoring using sub-poissonian light sources by evaluating the photon statistics during key generation. These results represent important contributions towards the development of functional quantum-secured communication networks based on quantum-light sources.