INVITED: From dark matter detection to artificial intelligence: applications of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors
14:10 - 14:40
Single-photon detectors are an essential tool for a wide range of applications in physics, chemistry, biology, communications, computing, imaging, medicine, and remote sensing. Ideally, a single photon detector generates a measurable signal only when a single photon is absorbed. Furthermore, the ideal detector would have 100% detection efficiency, no false positive (dark counts), and transform-limited timing resolution. Since the first reported detection of a single photon using a superconducting nanowire in 2001[1], steady progress has been made in the development and application of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPD or SSPD) with ideal properties. I will briefly describe progress in detector developments, use of these detectors in new applications, and opportunities for future work.