Engineering two-photon wavefunction and exchange statistics in a semiconductor chip
11:50 - 12:10
Saverio Francesconi, Florent Baboux, Arnault Raymond, Nicolas Fabre, Aristide Lemaître, Perola Milman, Maria Amanti and Sara Ducci High-dimensional nonclassical states of light are key resources for quantum information technologies thanks to their robustness to decoherence and the easy transmission, and thus a versatile way to generate and manipulate them is desirable. In this work we present a new technique to control the frequency entangled two-photon state generated by Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in a semiconductor AlGaAs microcavity under a transvers pump geometry. This technique allows to generate different types of frequency states (correlated, anti-correlated and separable) and to control the exchange statistics of the two photons (bosonic and fermionic), directly at the generation stage without any post-selection.