Towards long distance entanglement between a photon and a solidāstate quantum memory
15:25 - 15:45
Samuele Grandi, Jelena Rakonjac, Dario Lago-Rivera, Alessandro Seri and Hugues de Riedmatten A reliable way of transferring quantum information between distant locations is becoming ever more crucial, with optical losses and no-cloning theorem still posing a great challenge. We present here our efforts towards the realisation of a quantum repeater, based on a rare-earth quantum memory. Entangled photon-pairs are generated from cavity-enhanced spontaneous down-conversion, where the signal photon is stored as a collective spin excitation in the quantum memory, while the idler is in the telecom band. The entanglement analysis will be made through time-bin qubits analysers made of a fibre-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer, for the former, and a solid-state for the latter.