Silicon photomultipliers optimized for cryogenic temperatures
15:10 - 15:30
Fabio Acerbi, Massimo Capasso, Alberto Mazzi, Giovanni Paternoster, Nicola Zorzi and Alberto Gola Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are arrays of many SPADs, each one with integrated quenching. They are single-photon detector but the output proportional to the number of photons. They have easy scalability, for microcell size (5 to 100 µm) and the overall active area (1mm2 to 100mm2). SiPMs emerged as a promising solution for LIDAR, spectroscopy, physics experiments, etc. In this work we will talk about SiPMs operated at low (cryogenic) temperatures (down to liquid nitrogen temperature) showing the performance of different FBK SiPM technologies, discussing the trends. DCR reaches values of less than 1cps/mm2 with good PDE and dynamic range.