Nanophotonic waveguide coupling to organic molecules in micro‐capillaries
09:30 - 09:50
Ross Schofield, Sebastien Boissier, Lin Jin, Anna Ovvyan, Salahuddin Nur, Kyle Major, Frank Koppens, Costanza Toninelli, Wolfram Pernice, Ed Hinds and Alex Clark Here we present the coupling of single dibenzoterrylene (DBT) molecules to nanophotonic silicon nitride waveguides by filling a gap in the waveguide with a mixture of DBT in anthracene via an on-chip micro-capillary. When cooled to cryogenic temperature, we observe narrow resonances from many molecules via fluorescence. Sending light through the waveguide we can excite single molecules, and by monitoring the transmission we observe coherent extinction of the light. This allows us to measure a coupling to the waveguide of ~7%. We will also discuss the addition of holes to form nanobeam cavities to further enhance this interaction.